Service Area
Find out if Taylor Energy is in your neighborhood!
From East Granby to West Willington, your neighbors know that Taylor Energy is the area’s leader for dependable heating oil and propane delivery, top-notch HVAC and comfort equipment installation and service, and a commitment to helping you maximize the energy efficiency of your home.
Avon, Bloomfield, Broad Brook, Bolton, Collinsville, Coventry, East Granby, East Hartford, East Windsor, East Hartland, Ellington, Enfield, Glastonbury, Granby, Hartland, Manchester, North Granby, Simsbury, West Simsbury, South Glastonbury, Somers, Somersville, South Windsor, Stafford, Stafford Springs, Storrs, Suffield, Tariffville, Tolland, Vernon, Rockville, West Hartford, West Suffield, Willington, Windsor, Windsor Locks